
Mar 22, 2012

Welcome to Steel Curves...the sequel. Before I tell you why this is the sequel, let me first show you...

July 2001
November 2001

I first say these pictures in January of 2002. My sister-in-law took both of them; the one on the left when we were visiting her in Houston over the summer, and the one on the right when she was visiting us Thanksgiving. She mailed them to us in January and I was in SHOCK! Something had to be done, and now.

I began my journey with THE Firm videos. After about 4 weeks I decided to give low carb a try. The science made sense and I was having great success losing weight...but...

I was getting smaller, but I still wasn't happy with my shape. I was still a "pear" just a smaller pear. I moved from the videos to the Body For Life HIIT and Weight program. BAM! That was my master combo. The pear was leaving and the hourglass was returning.

The two pictures below are my "transformation" pics.These are the stats and dates.

In 6 months I went from a size 16 to an 8. I'd lost 14.5 net lbs. By net I mean, I lost 19.63 lbs of body fat and gained 5.13lbs of lean muscle mass.  I was fit, healthy, and happy. Sounds like a happily ever after doesn't it? Well let's enjoy these pics before this turns into a Stephen King movie!

June 2002
June 2002


July 2006 - The weight is still off!
November 2008 - Then end of a 6 year Success Story...

Mar 18, 2012

By 2006 I was a size 4. I can't however attribute going from a size 8 to a 4 to anything at all healthy.

November 2008
I divorced in 2006, and in that year alone I not only moved three times; I and my kids lived in three different cities. We moved from Kansas City to Chicago in March of '06, and from Chicago to Las Vegas in June of '06. To say adjusting to things from 2006 to 2008 was stressful is beyond and understatement. It wasn't at all a healthy weight loss, and sadly only my family noticed it.

In the fall of 2008 I met the most wonderful man, and I began to live again, and smile again, and breath again, and eat again. For the first time since 2002, I went back to my old eating habits of poor choices, and eating maybe twice a day. I actually hadn't exercised since I landed in Vegas in '06. My habit prior to that had become running...outside. I arrived in Vegas that last week of June in '06, and running outside is not an option in Vegas summers. And truthfully, it was the last thing on my mind. My only concern was my kids, trying to get back on my feet, and trying to figure out what had happened that last 5 years of my life after being married for over 20 years.

As with most things, the weight gain was slow, subtle, but steady. Here's a quick visual, of the change and the tragedy that has brought me to the point where I must again say...Enough!

April 2009 - Me and my sister Cheryl

November 2009 - Thanksgiving Karaoke

October 2010 - Me and my sons (l to r: Kyle, Cameron, and Christian)

April 2011 - My sister is back for her Birthday visit

October 2011 - About to go to a concert with my sweetie

February 2012 - ENOUGH!!!
